Monday, May 16, 2011

What a bad turns into a great day :)

     I'm late today . I already set the alarm thought , I woke up at 5am but then I continued to sleep . then I woke up at 6:03am . Damn ! I'm dead . the first thing I do was Hit the showers ,wear my school uniform , comb my hair , take my backpack , wear my shoes and walk as fast as I could to the school. 
     when I arrived , I can see that a few student were late too . GOOD! I'm not the only one . Haha ! but poor my stomach , I haven't eat breakfast . I'm superhyper hungry . 
     During the assembly, the 3A's student shown us a video and the video was extremely inspiring :] well done you guys ! 
     I was soo sleepy when it was in the BM subject . I don't know why , I just did . lol . so do my friends Claylin , she was sleepy too . We agreed to sleep together so that when the teacher saw us we will be scolded together . but , good for us . the teachers didn't notice us . :D
     when It comes to KH subject . I felt like I was diligent , I do everywork neatly plus nicely . Lol . during doing the work , my besty friends accidently made a joke and we laugh so hard my stomach hurt . even our teacher laugh too ! haha . 

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